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About our team:
In 2011, our team was established and named : NINJAS # 4744, and as for today the group consists of about 20 students from grades 9 to 12, who deal with the Team's challenges:
The creation and branding of the group, the recruitment of new students, the raising of resources (such as tools, budget, materials, etc.), skeching and programming the robot.

Dealing with all these challenges while keeping the spirit of FIRST, on the annual strategy devided and on the schedule of the group.
The vision of our group is to raise interest and curiosity among the youth of Hadera to engage in the field of science and technology, which will help them acquire knowledge and experience that will be used throughout their lives:
Leadership links.
Working as a team .
Dealing with challenges and stress.
independent learning.



Group achievements:
Finalists of the Off Season  in 2013 - ULTIMATE ASCCENT.
Climed up to the quarterfinals in 2014 - AERIAL ASSIST.
The champions of the country for 2016 - STRONGHOLD.
Twice finalists in both District 2017 competitions.
Winners of the Entrepreneurship Award for 2017.

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